MOGON NHR SW officially inaugurated

Posted in News on March 14, 2023 by Jens Rutten ‐ 1 min read

Introducing the new MOGON Cluster - MOGON NHR

MOGON NHR is a general-purpose computer cluster based on several CPU architectures. The system is being installed and will be available in 2023 and supersede MOGON 2.


  • $590$ Compute Nodes,
  • $75000$ CPU Cores,
  • $40$ A100 Tensor core GPUs,
  • $186TB$ RAM,
  • $256$, $512$, $1024$ or $2048 GB$ of RAM per node,
  • a parallel filesystem with a capacity of $8 PB$ and aggregated bandwith of $98 GB/s$,
  • HDR Infiniband interconnects (non-blocking fat tree network).

AMD EPYC 7713 processor

  • $64$ Cores
  • $2 GHz$ clock frequency
  • $256 MB$ L3 Cache
  • 2 per Node