Data Policies

Meeting the Archiving Requirement

Research projects are required to archive their data (raw data, results, software workflows, etc.) by their respective funding organizations. In addition, HPC projects may not expect long time storage of their research data on HPC filesystems and are hence advised to utilize the ZDV data management facilities.

Automatically set Metadata

With every archiving act the following metadata are automatically associated with your data set:

  • Creator - the full user name of the person archiving the data in question
  • Publisher - always set to “Johannes Gutenberg-University”
  • Location - set to “Mainz, Germany”
  • Date - is the data of archiving act and contains the Unix timestamp of the act
  • ExpiryDate - is Date + 10 years
  • protected - per default this property is set to “false”, which means that data can still be changed (e.g. more data added to a collection)